Thermodynamic study on acid decomposition of calcium molybdate and its application
Graphical Abstract
According to the laws of simultaneous equilibria and mass conservation, the lgC-pH diagram of a CaMoO4-H2SO4/HCl-H2O system was established on the basis of the modynamic date at 298 K. Thermodynamic analysis was carried out to show the effect of technical conditions on acid decomposition of CaMoO4. The results show that there are three stable areas of various solid phases of the CaMoO4-H2SO4-H2O system in the pH range of 0~7.0. The first one is H2MoO4(s) and CaSO4(s) (0 < pH < 3.5), the second one is H2MoO4(s) CaMoO4(s) and CaSO4(s) (3.5 < pH < 4.5), and the third one is CaMoO4(s) (4.5 < pH < 7.0). There are three stable areas of various solid phases of the CaMoO4-HCl-H2O system in the pH range of 0~7.0. The first one is H2MoO4(s) (0 < pH < 2.9), the second one is H2MoO4(s) and CaMoO4(s) (2.9 < pH < 4.5), and the last one is CaMoO4(s) (4.5 < pH < 7.0). Thermodynamics analysis results show that calcium molybdate is easily decomposed by acid; compared with the sulfuric acid leaching process, hydrochloric acid leaching calcium molybdate does not produce CaSO4, which reduces leaching product covered by calcium molybdate. The experiment proves that compared with hydrochloric acid, calcium molybdate is a kind of better leaching agent, and the leaching of molybdenum reaches 98.56 % at 25 ℃ for 45 min with HCl concentration of 2.4 mol/L at a VL/WS ratio of 10 mL/g.