谢巧玲, 袁太裕. 工业电雷管编码过程爆炸事故的分析处理[J]. 有色金属科学与工程, 2004, 18(4): 44-46.
引用本文: 谢巧玲, 袁太裕. 工业电雷管编码过程爆炸事故的分析处理[J]. 有色金属科学与工程, 2004, 18(4): 44-46.
XIE Qiao-ling, YUAN Tai-yu. The Analysis of Explosion Accident during the Coding Process of Industral Electric Detonators[J]. Nonferrous Metals Science and Engineering, 2004, 18(4): 44-46.
Citation: XIE Qiao-ling, YUAN Tai-yu. The Analysis of Explosion Accident during the Coding Process of Industral Electric Detonators[J]. Nonferrous Metals Science and Engineering, 2004, 18(4): 44-46.


The Analysis of Explosion Accident during the Coding Process of Industral Electric Detonators

  • 摘要: 在实施雷管编码技术中,由于打标设备两次发生爆炸事故,为杜绝此类事故的再次发生,对爆炸事故的原因进行了认真分析,并提出相应的整改措施,保证了工业电雷管的安全生产。


    Abstract: During the detonators coding process, explosion accidents happened twice because of the labeled equipment.To prevent such accident, the reason of explosion is thoroughly analysed, and the relevant measures are put forward, the safety in production of electric detonators is ensured.


