
Application of Magnetic-Flotation Flowsheet in Wuyang Mining Company

  • 摘要: 舞阳矿业公司红山选矿厂入选赤铁矿原矿铁品位27.35 %左右。根据该选厂原矿特点,结合国内其他选厂的赤铁矿选矿技术,应用磁-重-反浮选流程,获得了铁精矿品位63 %以上、回收率58 %以上的良好选别指标。


    Abstract: Considering the low grade of hematite (about 27.35 %) in Hongshan hematite processing plant, a comprehensive process of magnetic- gravity- reverse flotation flowsheet was applied to process hematite. Good processing indexes were achieved with the concentrate assaying over 63 % and recovery rate over 58 %.Key words: magnetic-flotation flowsheet; SLon magnetic separator; hematite


