Technical lmprovement of Recovery Associated Sulfide Minerals in Wolframites
摘要: 半边山选厂在黑钨精选过程中,对伴生硫化矿进行综合回收,从中选出有价金属钼、铋、铜。由于原设计工艺相对复杂、适应性差、设备配置缺陷等,选矿指标较差,经济效益低。通过工艺技术改造,使之流程简单、结构合理、适应性强,同时优化选别条件。生产实践表明,改造后的工艺流程技术可行,选别指标大幅度提高,经济效益显著。Abstract: The associated suifide minerais are recovered comprehensiveiy in the process of woiframites concentration, some vaiuabie eiements such as moiybdenum, bismuth, and copper are aiso fioated. The originai process has low dressing performance and poor economic profits because of its compiex design, poor fiexibiiity and defective structure. After improving the process, the ore dressing recovery percentage is improved notabieiy, and yieided notabie resuits.