
On Structure Adjustment of China's Rare Non-Ferrous Metal Industry

  • 摘要: 针对我国稀有有色金属产业经济存在的突出问题,面临的危机和挑战,明确了以科学发展观为指导,遵循产业和企业发展规律,加快稀有有色产业结构调整的战略发展思路,并从推进创新、推进产业整合、调整和优化产业结构、加强和改善宏观调控、积极实施走出去战略等方面提出了一系列结构调整的措施.


    Abstract: In view of the problems, challenges and crisis in the industrial economy of rare non-ferrous metals in China, the strategic ideas to accelerate the structural adjustment of China's rare non-ferrous metal industry are put forward under the guidance of the scientific development concept by following the law of industries and enterprises development. The paper puts forward a series of restructuring measures from the aspects of promoting innovation and industrial integration, optimizing industrial structure, strengthening macro-control, and vigorously implementing the "going global" strategy.


