On the Common Super-fine Dust Production Mechanism
摘要: 针对目前对于一般尘源控制研究较少, 而系统研究粉尘的扬尘(尘化)机理的研究就更少这一状况, 提出弄清尘化机理、从源头上控制是治理粉尘的首要问题, 对粉尘颗粒所受作用力进行分析, 特别就超细粉尘的扬尘机理提出相应的物理模型并进行初步研究。Abstract: Being very little research on the common dust source control, this paper proposes the most important question that clarifies the dust production mechanism to control the dust from its source, then analyzes the forces that drag the dust particles, and builds the corresponding physical model on the superfine dust production mechanisms.