
Production Practice on Decreasing Steel Ball Consumption of Grinding Mill in Yongping Copper Mine

  • 摘要: 介绍了永平铜矿选厂碎磨系统所使用的磨矿机其技术性能及设计工艺参数。由于在原设计设备、备件装配条件下, 磨矿生产达不到浮选工艺的要求, 而且钢球的消耗量大, 因此在对一些设计参数进行局部调整的基础上, 又对磨矿机钢球的消耗进行了应用试验, 选用了能适应矿石性质的钢球作磨矿机的磨矿介质, 从而使磨矿机的钢球单耗由投产初期的2.06kg/t·矿下降到目前的1.2kg/t·矿, 这对节约生产成本是有利的。


    Abstract: The eprformance and design parameter of grinding mill used in mineral processing plant of Yongping Copper Mine is introduced in this paper.As grinding operation couldn, t meet the needs of flotation technology and the ball consumption was very great under the primary design conditions.so partial adjusting design parameter, experiments of ball consumption in grinding mill were carried out, in order to choose steel ball which could fit ore properties of Yongping Copper Mine.After choosing suitable steel ball as grinding medium of grinding mill, steel ball per unit consumption decreased to 1.2kg/t while it was 2.06kg/t during the initial post -production period, which is benefit for reducing production cost.


