
Industrial Testing Research of Gasification Briquette by Using Long-flame Coal

  • 摘要: 采用C配方粘结剂将长焰煤的剩余末煤加工成气化型煤, 粘结剂添加量为6%~9%.开发出的气化型煤具有冷热强度高、防水性能好、反应活性好, 能够满足国家和行业标准对两段煤气发生炉使用要求.经在煤气发生炉上20t的工业掺烧试验, 取得较好的成果.


    Abstract: The fine coal, the remains of long-flame coal, is made to gasification briquette with C-ingredient binder which is mixed into briquette blend by 6%~9%.The advantages of this new gasification briquette are as fellows: high cold or thermal strength, good waterproof and excellent reactivity.Therefore, the gasification briquette produced from the remains of long -flame coal completely meet the need of two -stage gasification furnace by national and industrial standard.The industrial mixed firing test at 20t gas producer shows good effect.


