
The Failure Analysis of Tungsten Rhenium Thermocouple

  • 摘要: 笔者采用热力学计算和实验检测(EDS)相结合的方法, 探讨了钨铼热电偶在氮气、高温含碳环境中可能发生的反应以及反应进行的条件.研究表明, 在高温时, 氮气、石墨、石英砂、钨铼之间发生复杂的化学反应是导致钨铼热电偶失效的主要原因; 在装配过程中不宜用SiC做钨铼热电偶的绝缘材料, 应避免石墨、石英砂、钨铼之间的交叉污染.


    Abstract: This paper discusses the possible chemical reactions and its condition of Tungsten Rhenium thermocouple in nitrogen gas at high temperature containing graphite by thermodynamic calculation and energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS) test.The results show that the complicated chemical reactions among nitrogen gas, graphite and W-Re are the reasons of W-Re thermocouple failure at high temperature.In the assemble process of Tungsten Rhenium thermocouple, it is not suitable for SiC to be used as insulated materials for W-Re thermocouple and tries to avoid the crossed contamination among graphite quartz sand and W-Re.


