On the Comprehensive Recycling of Winnowed Overfall of Wolframite
摘要: 针对铁山垅钨矿杨坑山选矿厂精选段产出的精选溢流浓度低、粒度微细的特点,采用高效浓缩-浮重联合工艺综合回收钨铜,选择有效的黑钨捕收剂,经一粗一精浮钨作业,获得了较好的技术经济指标。Abstract: The combined technology of high concentration and flotation was applied to recycle tungsten and copper from the winnowed overflow by using effective wolframite collector.The winnowed overflow of Tieshanlong was characterized by low concentration and fine granularity.Good economic indexes were obtained by such flotation process.