
Small Test of Filtering Feldspar and Li-mica of Yichun Ta & Nb Mine on SiC Board

  • 摘要: 试验采用安微铜都特种环保设备股份有限公司提供的TH10碳化硅板,在试验室模拟TT工业机真空度分别对宜春钽铌矿长石、锂云母两种产品进行小型过滤试验,考查了转速、给矿浓度对滤饼水分含量及产量的影响。


    Abstract: Filtering test is done on the SiC board provided by Anhui Special Environmental Protection Equipment Co.Ltd in the laborary the feldspar and Li-mica are filtered respectively with TT filtering machine and the effect of speed of rotation concentration of ore slurry on moisture content of filter cake and production are examined.


