
On the Technological Innovation of Enterprises and Scientific Cooperation of Production, Teaching and Research

  • 摘要: 以云南铜业集团公司为例,阐述了矿山企业开展技术创新的重要性和必要性.同时从产学研科技合作的定义、发展历程、组织实施等方面介绍了矿山企业组织开展产学研科技合作的一般做法,特别提出了产学研科技合作的若干行为准则,以及云南铜业集团公司运用这些准则取得的明显效果.供其他矿山企业在组织开展产学研科技合作时参考.


    Abstract: This paper elaborates the significance and necessity of technological innovation for mining enterprises using Yunnan Copper Co., Ltd. as the case. The general practice of scientific cooperation combining production, teaching and research by mining enterprises is introduces from the aspects of definition, development process and performance. Some key performance principles of scientific cooperation are put forward. Striking results are achieved by Yunnan Copper Co., Ltd. by practicing these methods, which can be a good reference for other mining enterprises.


