践行科学发展观 加快推进重庆低碳冶金工业化进程

Carrying out the Scientific Outlook on Development, Speeding up the Industrialization Process of Low-carbon Metallurgy in Chongqing

  • 摘要: 重庆市冶金工业经过多年的发展,已形成了较为完整的钢铁工业和有色金属工业体系,各项经济技术指标保持了较快的增长速度,推进了新型工业化进程.文章以翔实的数据,丰富的内容阐述了重庆市冶金工业“十一五”的发展历程及“十二五”发展规划.


    Abstract: After years of development, the metallurgy industry in Chongqing City has formed a full-fledged iron and steel industry as well as nonferrous metals industrial system, with all economic and technical indictors maintaining a rapid growth, hence promoting the process of new-type industrialization. The paper offers detailed data and elaborates on the development history of the 11th Five-year Plan and the future scheme of the 12th Fiveyear Plan of metallurgy industry in Chongqing City.


