Experimental Study on Scheelite Floatation
摘要: 某石英脉型白钨矿采用重选生产工艺选别指标不理想, 经分析, 针对性地进行浮选工艺试验, 通过比较多种技术参数条件下的试验结果, 选择最佳试验参数进行浮选工艺闭路试验, 实现了铜、钨的综合回收, 获得白钨精矿含WO368.65%、WO3回收率84.75%的较好指标。Abstract: Quartz-calcite type scheelite is usually gravity separated and the result is not ideal.After the researching and analysis of the process, some experiments have been carried out by flotation dressing and a series of process parameters have been tested.Finally, ideal process parameters of flotation dressing have been achieved and copper and tungsten could be obtained.Concentrate of scheelite grade reaches 68.65% of WO3 and WO3 recovery is 84.75%.