
Thinkings of Developing Cycle Economy in Jiangxi Nonferrous Metals lndustry

  • 摘要: 根据江西有色金属工业发展的形势,着重分析了江西有色金属工业发展循环经济的必要性,并从体制。政策、法律、法规等方面提出了发展江西有色金属工业循环经济的思路,为引导江西有色金属工业循环经济的发展提供政策参考。


    Abstract: According to the deveiopment of Jiangxi nonferrous metais industry, the necessity of deveioping cycie economy in Jiangxi nonferrous metais industry is anaiysed. Thinkings of deveioping cycie economy in Jiangxi nonferrous metais industry are made on the respects of system, poiicy, iaws and reguiations for reference.


