
Effect of Manganese on Electrochemical Properties of Copper-nickel Alloys

  • 摘要: 基于对不同Mn含量的铜镍合金进行3.5 %NaCl(指质量分数,下同)溶液腐蚀实验,测试腐蚀不同时间后的开路电位、电化学阻抗谱和极化曲线。通过分析阻抗谱和极化曲线的变化,建立等效电路模型,利用ZsimpWin软件拟合得出各等效元件的数值,研究Mn元素对铜镍合金电化学性能的影响。结果表明在浸泡初期,Mn含量低(0.53 %)的铜镍合金样品开路电位更正;而在浸泡时间超过7 d后,Mn含量高(1.19 %)的样品开路电位更正。锰含量低的铜镍合金样品生成的腐蚀产物膜较锰含量高的样品更具有保护性,合金中含有低锰含量有助于提高合金的耐蚀性能,降低合金的腐蚀速率.


    Abstract: A corrosion experiment of copper-nickel alloy immersed in 3.5 %NaCl (mass fraction)solution was conducted.The open-circuit potential and electrochemical impedance spectra and polarization curves for different periods were tested.An equivalent circuit model was established by analyzing the changes of the impedance spectrum and the polarization curve and the equivalent values of the equivalent elements were obtained by ZsimpWin fitting.The influence of Mn element on the electrochemical performance of copper-nickel alloys was studied.The results show that the open circuit potential of copper-nickel alloy samples with low Mn content (0.53 %) is more positive in the initial stage of immersion; And the open circuit potential of samples with high Mn content (1.19 %) was corrected after immersing for more than 7 days.The corrosion product film formed on the sample with low manganese content is more protective than the sample with high manganese content.The low manganese content of the alloy helps to increase the corrosion resistance of the alloy and reduce the corrosion rate of the alloy.


