
Research progress of groundwater pollution detection technology

  • 摘要: 矿产资源的开采及工农业生产等活动不仅对地下水环境造成严重污染,同时对人体健康构成威胁,对地下水质检测逐渐引起研究者们的日益重视.在系统地总结地下水污染物的来源、种类和特点的基础上,论述地下水污染检测技术的国内外发展现状,其中包括:有机污染物检测、无机污染物检测、病原菌微生物检测及多种衍生技术的联合应用检测,并对不同检测方法进行对比,阐述分析各检测方法的优缺点及其未来的发展趋势.


    Abstract: The exploitation of mineral resources, industrial and agricultural production and other activities cause serious pollution to the groundwater environment; in addition, they pose a threat to human health. On the basis of systematically summarizing the sources, types and characteristics of groundwater contaminants, this paper discusses the development status of groundwater pollution detection technology. By comparing and contrasting the various detection methods, including detection of organic pollutants, detection of inorganic pollutants, microbial detection of pathogenic bacteria and combined application of a variety of derivatization techniques, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each detection method and its future development trend.


