
Enlightenment on rare earth industry development from it's market retrospect

  • 摘要: 对2009~2015年的稀土市场情况进行回顾,结果表明稀土价格分别经历了2009~2011年初处于上升阶段、2011年1季度~2012年3季度处于暴涨暴跌阶段和2012年3季度~2015年末处于下降并持续低位徘徊阶段;稀土价格走势最具波动区间段是2010年第3季度~2013年第1季度,价格呈现倒“V”型态势,在2011年3季度,大部分稀土价格达到2009年的10~15倍;2011年后,稀土价格持续下降,导致大部分产品出口量与创汇额变化呈负相关,如氧化镧从2011年到2014年,出口量增加244.57 %,创汇额却下降80.01 %;2011~2014年稀土出口配额使用率较低,2012年仅为48.33 %,配额制形同虚设.分析表明我国稀土市场持续疲软主要在于我国稀土缺乏定价权和对市场掌控能力偏弱.通过稀土市场情况分析及稀土开发存在的现实困境,提出包括尽快出台资源税和环境税负改革,加快大集团区域化管控稀土资源;促进稀土集团尽快解决现存问题;加快储备政策制定与落实等4方面的建议,为国家对稀土市场的宏观调控建言献策.


    Abstract: The paper reviewed the rare earth market situation in 2009 to 2015, the results show that the rare earth prices ascended in 2009 to early of 2011, risen and dropped suddenly and sharply in first quarter of 2011 to third quarter of 2012, then declined and maintained low in third quarter of 2012 to end of 2015. Rare earth prices fluctuated most is in the third quarter of 2010 to the first quarter of 2013, the price trended inverted “V” type, in the third quarter of 2011, most of prices were 10 to 15 times higher than 2009. The later of 2011, the rare earth prices continued to fall, lead to negatively correlated between export volume and price, such as oxide lanthanum, export increased by 244.57 % but export price declined by 80.01 % from 2011 to 2014. The utilization rate of export quotas was low in 2011 to 2014, for instance, utilization rate was only 48.33 % in 2012. Analysis shown that China's rare earth market continued weak lay in the lack of pricing power and the ability to controlling market. According to rare earth market situation and the existing problems, the paper proposed four suggestions for national macroeconomic regulation including as followed: unveiling fresh policy about resource and environmental tax as soon as possible; speeding up the big company control resources; urging the big company to solve the present problems; and formulating and implementing the reserve policy as early as possible.


